The routine creates an inquiry context that can be used to access the local or remote endpoint. 这个例程创建一个查询上下文,以用来访问本地或远程端点。
Conversely, the use of a dedicated routine to read and write local DBM files has at least one benefit: There is no possibility of SQL injection when there is no SQL back end to access. 反之,使用专用的程序来读写本地DBM文件至少具有以下优点:在没有SQL后门的地方,是不可能存在SQL插入攻击的。
This routine provides your test programs with the means to access the database, but it also shields the test programmers from having to deal with the exact semantics of the login procedure. 这个例行程序为你的测试程序提供了访问数据库的路径,但它同时使测试程序设计员无法处理注册程序的准确语义。
Such censorship is routine in China where access to foreign newspapers and news broadcasts is restricted and Xinhua controls distribution to local media of foreign agency reports. 在中国,这种审查制度是常见的。外国报纸和新闻广播在中国受到限制,当地媒体发布外国通讯社报道时受控于新华社。
Daily routine user account and access right maintenance. 每日定期用户帐号和存取权维护。
Operation and maintenance teams for routine inspection and repair can access the tunnels. 操作和维修人员在进行日常视察和修理时,可以进入隧道中。
The Design Technic for Programming of Error-handling Routine in Access 2.0 Access数据库程序设计中的俘错处理程序设计技巧
Based on the routine methods of knowledge representation, two sorts of novel knowledge representation methods are presented. They are the MS-ACCESS-based production system and the MS-ACCESS-based frame representation. By these methods, the algorithm of knowledge base can be achieved easily. 在常规知识表示方法的基础上,提出了两种新的知识表示方法,即基于MS-ACCESS产生式系统和基于MSACCESS的框架表示法,这使得知识库在算法实现上十分简便。
Having analysed the architecture of dBASE ⅲ database file, the paper introduces a general method and an implementation routine for the direct access to and operation on dBASE ⅲ database file in high-level lan-guage thus providing an effective and practical approach to data sharing. 本文在分析dBASEⅢ数据库文件结构的基础上,给出了用高级语言直接访问和操作数据库文件的通用方法和具体实现的程序,具有实际应用价值,为数据共享提供了有效途径。*